Bush Tiger - 40g Loose Leaf Black Tea
Product Code : 2308

Bush Tiger - 40g Loose Leaf Black Tea
Product Code : 2308
This item has a Best Before date of 07.10.2025
Tea Origin - Rwanda, Africa.
Food Paring - Barbecued chicken, beef with mushrooms, milk chocolate.
Taste Profile - Prunes, sweet malt, hints of exotic sandalwood.
A unique tea from Rwanda, Africa. A rare orthodox tea from Cyohoha-Rukeri Garden in Rwanda's volcanic hills. Robust and intricate, the scents of this unique tea are rich in biscuit and malt aromas, with undertones of camphor and sandalwood.
Rwanda continues to be one of the most intriguing tea-producing countries in the world, and here's a great example, Rukeri, the leading producer there. This uncommon orthodox sample will appeal to lovers of Assam and premium Kenyan teas.This tea truly amazes us with its molasses-like sweetness, roasted nut and malt tastes, and its unique woody overtones. It is named in memory of Rwanda's native Bush Tiger mantis.
The leaves for this well-balanced and silky tea were gathered from Rwanda's northern, seemingly never-ending volcanic hills. The combination of rainfall, heat, humidity, and mineral-rich soils at an elevation of 1600–2000 metres provides a sanctuary for shrubs. Joe Wertheim, an American tea trader, created the Rukeri Tea Factory in 1978. After draining the marshes of the Cyohoha and Rukeri mountains for the purpose of growing tea, the Rwandan government had encouraged him to construct a factory. Currently, the estate maintains a 284 hectare tea garden and helps a cooperative manage an additional 930 hectares. By supporting more than 3500 smallholder farmers, Rukeri purchases tea from this cooperative.
Each and every morning, my favourite cup of tea would be English Breakfast. It’s strong, it’s coloury, it’s got a wonderful nutty flavour that I really do enjoy, and it takes the milk well.
William Manning, Senior Tea TasterIn the UK Head Office we taste over 500 cups of tea every day, to search for the best quality teas available from around the world.
Dominic Marriot, Tea TasterLater on in the afternoon I might try something like a Darjeeling that has the muscatel flavour, or maybe even a high-grown Ceylon, but definitely my favourite brew, and the one that I drink the most of, is English Breakfast.
William Manning , Senior Tea Taster