Camomile & Lemongrass Infusion - 6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags (S&S)
Product Code : 006C

6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags - Front of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Side angle of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box on side

6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Top of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Side of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Back of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Open box on side

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box, envelope and teabag

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Envelope

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Teabag

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box with dimensions

6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags - Front of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Side angle of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box on side

6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Top of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Side of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Back of box

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Open box on side

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box, envelope and teabag

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Envelope

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Teabag

6 Packs of 20 Teabags - Box with dimensions
Camomile & Lemongrass Infusion - 6 Packs of 20 Foil Teabags (S&S)
Product Code : 006C
Camomile provides a calming effect, known for centuries as one of nature's' remedies to combat tension and nerves.
The subtle and delicate fragrant tone of the lemongrass imbues another level in flavour and completes the concoction.
The caffeine-free brew will aid during moments of stress with multi-layered tones of delicate flavour producing a tea that is both satisfying as it is soothing.
Unwind with this fine infusion from Ahmad Tea that's just the ticket for ending the day with or to prepare for a renewing sleep.
Individual products worth £14.94. Buy this bulk buy pack and save 10%.
Each and every morning, my favourite cup of tea would be English Breakfast. It’s strong, it’s coloury, it’s got a wonderful nutty flavour that I really do enjoy, and it takes the milk well.
William Manning, Senior Tea TasterIn the UK Head Office we taste over 500 cups of tea every day, to search for the best quality teas available from around the world.
Dominic Marriot, Tea TasterLater on in the afternoon I might try something like a Darjeeling that has the muscatel flavour, or maybe even a high-grown Ceylon, but definitely my favourite brew, and the one that I drink the most of, is English Breakfast.
William Manning , Senior Tea Taster